Friday, December 19, 2008

Sketches from the past week. I was playing with a raptor design. 
People in my Art History final. 
Drawing some caribou. It looks like one of those felt boards you color in with markers. 
Here's  the REAL reason why you guys are here:


Cody said...

i still like it here!!!!!!!!!!

The Spradlin Family said...

I love the comic strips. I like the one when the rabbit (is he Clank or Toodles) put on the earphones and it's really loud. His face is so cute!

Great job Claire.

Ooops, it's Renaldo now, right?

Now lets have a dance Provo!


Unknown said...

I always wanted one of those felt board coloring things. I never got one, my friends did.

You still amaze me. Like you just sit down and draw like that on a whim. I think it's so cool that you're following your dream.

PS my word verification is airmat. Is that like an air mattress or airMat like airJordan?

Anthony Holden said...

Those caribou are lovely.

JAKE WYATT said...

THAT is a unique and fun comic-strip format!

Way to go, Claire!

Chelsea Stebar said...

Dude, the predator and prey one is hilarious. Nice job, buddy. :D

Duke said...

i thought the bear was really going to eat the rabbit but then i scrolled over and found out it's all right

Aaron Ludwig said...

I learned this weekend that caribou and reindeer are the same. Who knew?
Great comics! What kinda stuff does Clank have on his mp3 player?

Brandon Pedersen said...

Is the realistic portion of this comic a throwback to when Bill Watterson did the same thing in Calvin & Hobbes? If so, Kudos! It came off in spades!